Dear Parents,
Since the last newsletter there has been a crescendo of activities across the school which are detailed in the separate news items; please do read them to see what we have been up to. Many of the highlights have certainly been of a festive nature, and as I sat working, a little blurry eyed from the school disco on Tuesday night, I was surrounded by the activity of the PTA busily setting up the Christmas Fair and the kitchen staff chopping, roasting and boiling in preparation for another delicious Christmas lunch. Mr Blackman began to present his talk for the pupils on ‘The future of high visibility jackets’, until he was very entertainingly interrupted by the beginning of the staff pantomime. I feel that I must also mention the superb and very moving Early Years Nativity, ‘Angel Express’ and again express my thanks to the children and the staff.
As always music has played a prominent part in recent weeks and I was delighted with the performance of senior choir at The Spirit of Christmas, and of course the impressive list of winners in the carol competition. My thanks go to those performers who joined with the residents of two local care homes to celebrate over festive singing.
Festivities aside the pupils have been setting the world of maths on fire! Mrs Digby has separately written about the extraordinary achievements in the Primary Mathematics Challenge and the Bebras Challenge where we are delighted to have pupils going through to the next round of the national competition. Good luck to them!
As the term comes to a close I would wish to thank parents for their support of the opportunities for learning, creating, enquiring, performing and playing that have been in abundance this term. I would like to thank all staff for their considerable enthusiasm and commitment and wish you all the best for a very happy and restful break. We say goodbye to Mrs May and Mrs Constable Maxwell as she begins her new adventures and takes an opportunity to travel. I am delighted to welcome Mrs Amy Williamson, a former teacher who will be joining our inclusion team as a higher level teaching assistant.
Kind regards
Tracy Handford
Head of Dame Bradbury's and Vice Principal, 3-11