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Published on 27/09/17

Our aim is not just to teach children to how read but to become confident and independent readers and writers!

Reading practiceThis was the message of our ‘Learning to read and write with Read, Write Inc.’ information afternoons for parents of children in the Early Years and in Key Stage 1. There is a difference because we want children to love reading and to be able to write freely and creatively rather than being limited only to words they know how to spell or to be reliant on adult support to write more challenging words.

At the recent Early Years’ Information evening, focus was on our ‘learning wheel’ with our learners at the centre and at the heart of everything we do. The Early Years’ characteristics of effective learning link with learning habits promoted across the Foundation and are crucial for igniting curiosity and enthusiasm; for building a capacity to learn, to form relationships and thrive.

Boys with ipadWe are looking forward to celebrating every child’s development over the forthcoming months as learning in Dame Bradbury's Kindergarten and Reception is shared between home and school in their online learning journeys! In Reception, children have been enhancing their digital learning by learning to log onto class ipads and using them to take photos and videos of their friends and environment as part of out thematic learning topic ‘Here I Am’.

Tagged  Our Learning