Published on 26/09/17
Each term, we immerse ourselves in a learning topic that allows us to explore many different areas of the curriculum. This term's delicious topic is 'Food, Glorious Food.'
As part of this term's topic, we held an International Food Festival which brought delicious aromas into our classrooms at Madingley.
Children bought in a dish to represent a country with which they had links to. We had curries from India, pepper biscuits from Denmark, pumpkin treats from China and sausage rolls from the UK to name just a few of the varied dishes that parents kindly prepared for us to try.
The children were brilliant as they bravely tried foods that they had never seen or tasted before. One of our Kindergarten children commented 'I liked all of it' as she tucked into her third bowl of Paella. The Kindergarten children talked about using their senses to taste, smell and see the food while Reception celebrated the similarities and differences of the dishes as part of their 'Food Glorious Food' topic.
Thank you to all the parents who helped to make this a success.