Published on 29/01/18
Year 3 use drama to build their geography skills and knowledge of volcanoes.
Eruptions were heard in the theatre when Year 3 took part in a drama workshop for our thematic learning topic ‘Active Planet’. We enjoyed a lively and enthusiastic session with Freshwater Theatre, with lots of key geographical skills being reinforced.
Flying round the world in 60 minutes we visited the volcanoes Vesuvius and Mount St Helens, trembled at an earthquake in San Francisco and learned to respect the power of tsunamis in Chile.
Our knowledge of the earth under our feet was further strengthened with a visit to learn all about rocks at Saffron Walden Museum. Some very close observation and handling of rock and mineral specimens led to successful classification of rock types, and we also explored the wealth of artefacts in the galleries made from different types of rocks.
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