Published on 04/10/22
Meet the new Stephen Perse Sixth Form Student President Team.
“Hello, my name is Danika and I’m the new student president as well as co-chair of the Sustainability Committee. I’m doing the IB Diploma with Biology, Geography, and Maths as my higher level subjects. As student president, I hope to grow the sense of community within the Sixth Form through a Year 12-13 buddy scheme and as a chair of the Sustainability Committee, I plan to continue leading projects and encouraging students to develop their interest in sustainability. I look forward to being the new student president!”
“I'm Amogh, a dedicated and enthusiastic member of the 2021-2023 IB cohort at Stephen Perse. As a student myself, I recognise the immense stress and pressure that sixth form brings upon students, so as a part of the president team, I hope to take up a piece of responsibility for the wellbeing of students. I am also an eloquent speaker and I look forward to being a representative of the student voice within Stephen Perse. Outside school, you are likely to find me playing cricket, tennis or doing a bit of photography.
As part of the 2022-2023 student president team, I have been given the privilege of being one of the representatives for the Sustainability Committee as well as the student lead for clubs and societies. In both these roles, my central focus will be based on placing the spotlight on the student voice in the school community by driving change through encouraging greater student engagement in the Sustainability Committee and greater individual initiative in introducing new clubs and societies that students want to get involved in. I look forward to all the amazing opportunities that this role brings!”
“I’m Hannah, and I’m currently studying A level English Literature, German and DT. I’m so glad to be a part of the team, and look forward to sharing and hearing everybody’s ideas. Over the next year, I’m keen to improve the social aspects of school life - I believe it’s important to have opportunities to socialise with the rest of the year group outside of lessons, as it would be a shame to not make the most of getting to know new people before we all go our separate ways.”
“Hello, I’m Georgia, and I take English, French and RS A Level. As the co-chair of the charities committee, I will be organising events across the Sixth Form, and hopefully with the Senior School too, to raise money for important causes which we want to make an impact upon. I have already helped organise events such as the Staff Panto, and been part of the team working with a school in Malawi, and I know that this kind of school-wide initiative can have such a significant effect, as well as being really enjoyable. In the coming year, we are planning to increase our involvement with the local community, such as doing music performances in local care homes, as well as organising some fun events in school, such as a quiz night, to help raise money for the charities which we want to support. I am also excited for the launch of our charities newsletter, which will contain information about the charities we are supporting, and the events being planned. Last but not least, we obviously can’t wait to hold a number of charity bake sales!”
“Hi, I’m Katy and I will be co-chairing the charities committee with Georgia. I currently study IB with Maths, Biology and Chemistry at HL, and Spanish, Geography and English at SL. I’m really excited by the prospect of widening the charitable connections between students and the local community so hope to incorporate a wide range of opportunities that involve helping improve the lives of those living in Cambridge. There is no doubt we will be organising much-loved bake sales to raise money, but I am also interested in establishing more long-term fundraising schemes/events too such as the possibility of an annual quiz night. I can’t wait to get started working with such a fantastic group of people and look forward to seeing our growth as a team.”
“Hi I’m Katie, I’m an A level student and I study Politics, Sociology and Art. As part of the Well-being Committee I aim to be dedicated to creating and maintaining a safe, welcoming, inclusive and diverse community that nurtures a culture and atmosphere of mutual respect, consideration and openness. Over the year, the aim of this committee will be to enhance our community, making it as safe and comfortable for every student, teacher and member of our Sixth Form.”
“I am James and I am very much thrilled to be a member of the Student President Team for the upcoming school year. As an international student and boarder, I will strive to bring in other boarders to join in on the activities that we hope to create. My objectives for this post are to facilitate all kinds of work in the president team, and to make sure boarders have a greater sense of belonging to our school community.”