CIE 0990 (9-1)
English is an essential part of all schools’ core curriculum. It is compulsory at Key Stage 4 and at the Stephen Perse is taught in an integrated course with IGCSE English Literature. Success in any subject studied in the Sixth Form requires competent written English as well as the analytical skills it fosters.
As a candidate for IGCSE English, you will:
- develop your understanding of the spoken word and your ability to express yourself clearly and logically
- read and respond to all types of writing
- develop your writing skills
Course content
You will read a variety of texts in non-fiction genres, such as newspaper reports, websites, travel reports and biographies. You will look analytically at the language used by writers for their audience and compare different texts, assessing their effectiveness. You will also develop your own awareness of an audience and your own persuasive, creative and descriptive writing skills.
Assessment takes place through two examinations. The first tests your responses to unseen non-fiction passages while the second examination tests your own writing. Each examination is worth 50% of the total mark.