Dear parents
It has been a sunny, exciting end to term.
The glorious weather has given all of our summer events an extra special atmosphere as we have confidently been able to use our outdoor spaces to share the children’s sporting and creative achievements. The sports field was the location of our Pre-prep sports day, an event that the children talk about and look forward to throughout the year. It began with team activities including throwing a javelin, an obstacle race and egg and spoon race. The children supported one another as they took part, chanting each other’s names, sharing tips and making sure everyone had a turn. Next they competed in the running races and the weather did not deter the children. They all ran with great determination to get to the pink ribbon finish line first. After a picnic with friends and family the children celebrated the green team winning the team event and cheered for the winners of the running races.
The Country Dancing display in the Madingley Pre-prep playground was another opportunity for the children to demonstrate their team spirit and ability to support and help one another. During the performance the children could be heard giving each other instructions ‘you are stationary, we move’ and ‘right turn next’ and even the odd sun hat falling off did not stop them performing to the best of their abilities. Overcoming nerves and performing in front of an audience is an important life skill and the Pre-prep children have relished this learning opportunity. Our City Year 1 class were discussing how nervous they felt before their first dance and immediately afterwards they could not contain their enjoyment and happiness that they had overcome their nerves and performed well.
Our youngest children have been testing their problem solving skills during their recent trips to Anglesey Abbey and Mountfitchet Castle. Earlier in the term treasure had been taken from their classrooms and the children have been completing a series of challenges to find the treasure. Kindergarten went into the depths of the woodland at Anglesey Abbey following a trail left by a baby dragon. The Reception children went on a hunt around Mountfitchet Castle searching for clues to spell out the location of their treasure. I am pleased to report the treasure was successfully found and the children learnt the importance of being resilient and persevering even when faced with a baby dragon!
I wish all of our Pre-prep families a wonderful summer break and look forward to welcoming you back for more adventures in September.
Best wishes,
Sarah Holyoake
Head of Pre-Prep
Follow us on Twitter @SPFPrePrep
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